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Saturday, January 16


Chapter 1:
Hameer laughs out loud,
He thinks RUMI the persian cat is outside his door,
He's just too lazy to go open it.

Chapter 2:
Hameer picks up his guitar,
He plays a few of his old melancholic tunes,
He realizes he probably should make'em into full band songs.

Chapter 3:
Hameer is so fucking bored,
He opens up Steam and consecutively launches Left 4 Dead 2,
He plays with his friends who REALLY want him to join their clan.

Chapter 4:
Hameer waits till it's 5am and quickly switches on the TV,
He either tunes in to channel 711, 701, 555, 554, 553, 551, 413, 412, 411.
He'll take a drink or plays with RUMI while watching.

Chapter 5:
Hameer goes to the toilet,
He washes his hands, mouth, face, arm, forehead, ears, and feet,
He sets up the room and does his Subuh prayers.

Chapter 6:
Hameer sleeps at 7am,
He wakes up around 4pm - 5pm,
He takes a quick high tea and starts on with 'Chapter 1'.

This is Hameer's holi-daily routine whenever his friends are away studying at their respective campuses or when his band mates are not free to meet up. He shall take the effort to update his blog from now on. (:

Ask Me Again:

Tuesday, June 9

Wednesday, June 3

Worlds in Twirl

Point A:
I love games. Who doesn't? Hell, I was raised by'em - well not to say that I've actually played the old time classics. But I can't even remember the first time I did gaming. It was like when, I first began speaking English? See the relation? I love'em so much, I don't buy pirated games anymore. To me its like having the obsolete when there's no more 'current'. Alotta Malaysians might find that dumb but dudes, I got ethics yo. At least a bit more of a decent morality than those rippin'off retailers in the mall. Well its all about showing your respect towards the game developers for creating and immersive product which'll keep you entertained if not for days, weeks.

So do I want to create/play games for a living?

Point B:
(loving physics was an interest which spawned from games)
I love physics. Shit man, talking of astronomy; cosmic collisions; Einstein's relativity; string theory; quarks just gives me the jizz. Having the knowledge to turn soil to robots, cars, computers. Haha its like turning the sand particles in a desert to a submarine or to give you a better impression, a fistful of your backyard soil (you know, the 'tanah') to handphones. Imagine how 'sayang' it'll be to later realize that you could've known this, and that, and this. Like again 'gile sayang dowh'. Damn, it'll be a waste to not know all these shit. Well it is to me. But then again, liking to know and liking to do are two different things. I've yet to discover the latter but to know, it's definitely a go.

So do I want to teach/do physics for a living?

Music is certainly a note to desire. But pursuing it full time ain't a smart move in a long run. It's a good thing that side of me will never run. Having a side music career may just be the opt.

- Time to make the adult move, seriously.

Monday, May 25

When Folk-Parody's The Ecstacy

"In recent years, emergence of new song-genres had shocked the world. Recalling the years of the so called 'Black Metal' where people would dance away to the rhythm of the Underworld, now there seems to be the rising music which resonates the humour of our hearts - the Folk-Parody my friends have come and they're here to stay ..."

"... introducing Flight of The Conchords. Nothing has ..."

- rationsauce news cast

The Humans Are Dead



Thanks Kaiyisha for intro-ing the New Zees. (:

Sunday, May 24


I preach to those who love games to buy the original copy of this game when it hits the shelves. Online co-op here I come. (:

Epic - (0:59 and 1:28)

Oh and btw, its coming out Tuesday, 10th November and not Sunday, 11th October.


Tuesday, May 19


Shizz that'll make you jizz.

Uncharted 2: Among Thieves

Meet The Spy


Aloha Mafagas,

"HECTIC" has occured today:

THE ROOM redecoration process has almost finished. 90% of furnitures in my room have been fully rearranged to form a better Hameer-like ambiance. The future-pc finally has a holy land of its own.

FUTSAL just sucks when you play with worn-out-soles futsal shoes. But its good to know I still have a few more tricks up my sleeve. And how I wish Universiti Hospital didn't have traffic lights surrounding it.

JAMMING Hell, its about time. After 2 weeks of absency amongst the Subang-ets, I was beginning to feel the urge of recollecting the old melodies, and the buds of Asia Cafe's Chicken Maryland. Had a good groupo session to catch up with things. And guess what, we scored a gig in Singapore.
